Arbeitstisch im Lesesaal by Simon Hempel Portfolio
Arbeitstisch im Lesesaal, 2012, colour photograph (chromogenic colour print, hand proof).

Arbeitstisch im Lesesaal, 2012, colour photograph (chromogenic colour print, hand proof).

Group exhibition
Of those who inhabit rooms. (11 November – 7 December 2013). Brussels, BE: Twelve Cells for the Intoxicated.

Hempel, Simon, 2013. EIN ANDERER APPARAT; ANOTHER APPARATUS; UN AUTRE APPAREIL, Hamburg: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Kulturbehörde.

Group exhibition
32. Arbeitsstipendium für bildende Kunst der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. (9 – 31 March 2013). Hamburg-Harburg, DE: Deichtorhallen – Sammlung Falckenberg.

Arbeitstisch II – Zeichnung 1; Zeichnung 2, 2012, pencil and marker on paper.

Group exhibition
No touching. No. (Curators: Agata Jastrzabek and Dirk Snauwaert). In: Curated by_vienna 2012. (21 September – 10 November 2012). Vienna, AT: Galerie nächst St. Stephan – Rosemarie Schwarzwälder.

The structure of the image; The structure of the book. In (conference): The Inevitable Structure of the Book*. (28 April 2012). Brussels, BE: Wiels, Contemporary Art Centre.

Hempel, Simon, 2009. Plants and soil – The visual development of a structure, Maastricht: Jan van Eyck Academie, Post-Academic Institute for Research and Production in Fine Art, Design and Theory.

Solo exhibition
Ekstasen / ecstasies (preview). (9 – 14 February 2009). Maastricht, NL: Jan van Eyck Academie, Post-Academic Institute for Research and Production in Fine Art, Design and Theory.

All contents copyright © 2020 SIMON HEMPEL unless otherwise noted

Website realised by SALOME SCHMUKI