Arbeitstisch im Lesesaal, 2012, colour photograph (chromogenic colour print, hand proof).
Arbeitstisch im Lesesaal, 2012, colour photograph (chromogenic colour print, hand proof).
Group exhibition
… Of those who inhabit rooms. (11 November – 7 December 2013). Brussels, BE: Twelve Cells for the Intoxicated.
Hempel, Simon, 2013. EIN ANDERER APPARAT; ANOTHER APPARATUS; UN AUTRE APPAREIL, Hamburg: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Kulturbehörde.
Group exhibition
32. Arbeitsstipendium für bildende Kunst der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. (9 – 31 March 2013). Hamburg-Harburg, DE: Deichtorhallen – Sammlung Falckenberg.
Arbeitstisch II – Zeichnung 1; Zeichnung 2, 2012, pencil and marker on paper.
Group exhibition
No touching. No. (Curators: Agata Jastrzabek and Dirk Snauwaert). In: Curated by_vienna 2012. (21 September – 10 November 2012). Vienna, AT: Galerie nächst St. Stephan – Rosemarie Schwarzwälder.
The structure of the image; The structure of the book. In (conference): The Inevitable Structure of the Book*. (28 April 2012). Brussels, BE: Wiels, Contemporary Art Centre.
Hempel, Simon, 2009. Plants and soil – The visual development of a structure, Maastricht: Jan van Eyck Academie, Post-Academic Institute for Research and Production in Fine Art, Design and Theory.
Solo exhibition
Ekstasen / ecstasies (preview). (9 – 14 February 2009). Maastricht, NL: Jan van Eyck Academie, Post-Academic Institute for Research and Production in Fine Art, Design and Theory.
All contents copyright © 2020 SIMON HEMPEL unless otherwise noted
Website realised by SALOME SCHMUKI